What are the Executive Safety Leadership Awards?

Western States recently announced their 2023 Executive Safety Leadership Awards. Employees at Western States annually nominate their peers for this award who represent our core value, safety. Highlighting our own employee’s successes is an intrinsic part of Western States. We ensure that our employees are rewarded and acknowledged for their hard work. Both Dallas Frei and Eric Mai have integrated safety into their daily lives on and off the clock, which is why they were chosen as our recipients this year. 



Dallas Freiexecutive leadership safety awards

In 2022 our safety team here at Western States created a campaign titled “Gator sightings” which was essentially safety hazards that you can send to the safety team as “near misses”. During that campaign, Dallas Frei took a small plastic alligator and placed it on top of the safety hazard as he submitted the Gator Sightings to Safety. This inspired Western States to expand on opportunities to apply fun and unique approaches to hazard recognition. Dallas’s idea helped boost employee involvement and engagement with the campaign, allowing employees to recognize hazards in a new way. 

Eric Mai

Eric Mai has consistently lived our core value of safety for nearly 30 years here at Western States Cat. Last year, Eric was driving to a job site and saw a car pulled over on the side of the road with a man kneeling next to it. Bystanders drove by assuming that the man was working on his car however, Eric, with his keen observation skills and strong gut instinct turned around to ensure the man was okay. Eric’s gut instinct was correct because the man was experiencing a medical emergency. He stayed with the man and called emergency services. His strong questioning mindset and quick action proved his attentiveness to our core value of safety and made sure a stranger was able to get the help they needed. Eric is the true definition of keeping safety at front of mind at all times. 


Looking Ahead

Our two Executive Safety Leadership Award winners are great examples for our community to look up to. Safety is and always will be our number one priority and we appreciate these two Western States employees for being such great leaders in the field. We look forward to recognizing the future outstanding safety leaders in years to come.